The Reactor and the Protocols ============================= How does Twisted do away with the thread problems in the context of network connections? Twisted runs a main loop called the reactor which schedules the callbacks. It is the *coach* of our prior comparison. **The reactor scheduling decisions derive directly from the availability of the data received in the supervised file descriptors**. The reactor is twofold: - it is a wrapper around a specialised system calls which monitors events on an array of sockets. Instead of supervising sockets from userland, Twisted delegates_ this hard work to the kernel, via the best system call available on the platform: epoll_ on Linux, kqueue on BSD, etc .. _epoll: .. _delegates: In a nutshell, these system calls return after either a timeout or after the reception of data in one of the socket. The system call returns an array of events received, for each supervised socket\ [#]_. There is a big bonus for a developer to be able to leverage efficient advanced system calls on diverse operating with the same code. Another bonus is the delegation of concurrent supervision of the sockets to the kernel. As the kernel offers to do it, why should developers re-invent the wheel in userland? - the reactor maintains a list of Twisted :class:`Protocol` instances. In Twisted, a :class:`Protocol` serves many purposes, and in particular it holds a reference to a socket supervised by epoll and a method :meth:`dataReceived`. When *epoll* returns and presents an array of events for each socket, the reactor dutifully runs the :meth:`dataReceived` method of the :obj:`protocol` associated to the socket. The reactor is the runtime hub of the Twisted framework, it handles the network connections and triggers the processing of the received data as soon as it arrives by calling specific methods of the :obj:`Protocol` associated to the socket. Let's focus on a single page download, first, with the sequential :meth:`urlopen` function: 1. urlopen parses the domain name from the URL and resolves it to an IP address (this blocking network request may be avoided if the local resolver maintains the domain name in a cache). 2. An HTTP get request for the URL is formatted, a socket toward the IP address of the web server is opened and the message is written in the socket's file descriptor. :func:`urlopen`, then waits for the reply from the server and returns. Here is the corresponding steps of how Twisted operates with the :func:`getPage` function: 1. :func:`getPage` parses the input URL, format the HTTP request string, and uses the :meth:`reactor.connectTCP` method to stack a socket creation and monitoring request to the reactor. The argument of :func:`connectTCP` are a host, a port and an instance of the :class:`HTTPGetClient` class, deriving from the :class:`Protocol` class. :meth:`connectTCP` tranparently inserts a DNS request if the host is a domain name and not an IP address. This conditions the HTTP request to the availability of the IP address, in a non blocking manner, 2. :func:`getPage` returns a deferred, a slot that the developer must fill with a function which will be executed when the HTTP reply arrives (more on the deferred in the next :ref:`section `). This function should expect the HTML body of the response as the argument, 3. the reactor is run: for each :obj:`Protocol` object queued: the reactor opens a socket, copies the corresponding file descriptor in the :attr:`transport` attribute of the :obj:`Protocol` instance, and puts the socket under supervision. The reactor calls the :meth:`connectionMade` method of the :obj:`Protocol` instance which, in the case of :func:`getPage` writes the formatted HTTP request to the :attr:`transport` and returns immediately to the reactor loop, 4. when the reactor detects the reply bytes in the socket associated to :attr:`transport`, it calls the :meth:`dataReceived` method of the associated :class:`Protocol` which, in the case of :func:`getPage`, is written to parse the HTTP header from the HTML body. Finally, the :meth:`dataReceived` method for this protocol *fires* the developer callback attached to the instance deferred, with the HTML as the parameter. Additional abstractions such as the :class:`Factory` interface are left out in this article to ease the learning curve , they are are described in the official_ documentation_. For our third problem, let's compare two complete versions, one concurrent, one sequential of a simple script which, 30 times, prints the HTML title of the ** web site. .. _official: .. _documentation: .. include:: :literal: Note that in the following version, the Twisted main loop started by :meth:`` never returns: a line of code below the start of the reactor loop will never be executed. .. include:: :literal: The attention should be drawn on the following blocking snippet:: html = urlopen(url)) print parse(html).xpath( ... ) which becomes, with Twisted primitives:: def getpage_callback(html): parse(html).xpath( ... ) getPage(url).addCallback(getpage_callback) It is indeed bewildering to realize that in Twisted, **the calling function can not manipulate the result of the request**. Here is a longer form, which might seem simpler to read because the callback code is presented after the request code:: d = getPage(url) def getpage_callback(html): parse(html).xpath( ... ) d.addCallback(getpage_callback) If you don't like neither these style, stay tuned, you will appreciate the section :ref:`yield`. There is something unexplained in the last code snippet: what is the object to which *d* is bound? What does :func:`getPage` returns if it's not the server reply? you will find out in the next section. .. [#] the `C10K problem`_ is a reference on server handling concurrently ten thousands of clients. .. _`C10K problem`: