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Concurrent network programming with Twisted

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Twisted’s network concurrency model as compared with sockets and threads

Twisted’s concurrency model of is called cooperative multitasking and is really different from a traditional “one socket in one thread” scheduler. Twisted has three advantages over the thread model: it is safer, faster and faster. The advantages are illustrated around a second simple problem: it is the traditional example of a global counter updated by many threads.

Safer: no need to worry about locking shared ressources

A thread scheduler decides the execution of a thread for a time slice, then pauses the thread at an unpredictable point of a computation to let another thread run. This is problematic, see the following code (using threads) which is incorrect.

>>> counter = 0
>>> def incr(n=0):
...     global counter
...     for i in range(1000):
...         counter += 1

incr() increments the counter one thousand times. Below, the execute() function creates 100 threads to run the incr() function.

>>> from threading import Thread
>>> def execute(f):
...     threads = [ Thread(target=f) for i in range(100)]
...     for t in threads: t.start()
...     for t in threads: t.join()
>>> execute(incr)
>>> counter > 0

When the threads are run, the counter has been incremented but curiously, it is different from 100 threads * 1000 increments = 100000.

>>> counter == 100000

The value of counter was 96733 last time this article was checked, which means that 3% of the counter increments went wrong. Here is what happened:

  1. thread x reads the counter: say 5000, then gets paused
  2. thread y reads the counter: 5000, increments, then writes the data : 5001
  3. thread x continues on from where it paused : increments and writes the counter: 5001. Thread y incrementation was missed.

From the Python virtual machine, via the libc, down to the processor instructions, an increment is composed of a variable read and an addition and is not atomic by default, there is nothing to prevent the interruption of a thread in the middle of counter +=1. To avoid the effect of a big blind chainsaw messing with a subtle variable increment, threads must use defensive techniques: they define critical sections using locks and refuse to enter one until every other thread has left the critical section. Here is a correct version of the incr version using a lock dedicated to the counter ressource.

>>> from threading import Lock
>>> lock = Lock()
>>> def safe_incr():
...     global counter,lock
...     for i in range(1000):
...         with lock:
...             counter+=1
>>> counter = 0
>>> execute(safe_incr)

At this point, the counter is correct:

>>> counter

Note that the Lock class abide by the with interface. with will dutifully call Lock.__enter__() when entering the indented block, and will call Lock.__exit__(), when exiting the block, even if the block is exited on an exception. These functions are implemented in Lock to respectively acquire and release the lock instance.

Shared ressources and critical sections must be controlled by code which is difficult to get right. In Twisted, there are no threads, and no thread scheduler, therefore there is only one function executing at any given time, and it will run without interruption until it returns. The function running has an exclusive access to all the ressources, avoiding the danger of concurrent accesses, and misuses of locks.

Twisted network concurrency model is called cooperative multitasking in the sense that developers write functions with a goal that they return, as they block each other. Especially, after having emitted a network request, they return. As threads are interrupted by the scheduler, function enclosed have the latitude to take as long the developer see fit, without impacting the other processing, which can tabke place.

As the thread scheduler can be compared to a blind chainsaw, Twisted functions are more like relay sprinters who choose when to pass the baton. They decide to pass the baton to the coach who, at the time when he gets the baton, decides which sprinters is the fittest to run. If a sprinter keeps the baton indefinitely, there is no one to interrupt him, and the other sprinters do not get to run: Twisted concurrent model is safer as long as everyone behave as a gentlemen.

Faster: no overhead due to scheduling the threads

The previous threaded code using a shared ressource is less and less efficient as the number of threads increases: the ressource is a bottleneck. chrono() times the multithreaded execution of the function passed as a parameter:

>>> from timeit import Timer
>>> chrono = lambda f: Timer(lambda :execute(f)).timeit(number=10)

Now, let’s compare the execution time of incr() and safe_incr(). The safe, locked code is at least 10 times less efficient than the unsafe.

>>> no_lock = chrono(incr)
>>> 10 * no_lock < chrono(safe_incr)

The decision by the OS thread scheduler to run a particular thread is based on an algorithm which has no idea of the existing locks. When a thread is run, the thread context and stack are copied back which costs CPU cycles and data transfer, and it might actually be in vain, as the thread may not have the lock that it needs to execute. Any such threads will be get re-scheduled again and again until it can own the ressource.

The scheduling overhead does not occur with Twisted. I assume the reader is curious to see the Twisted can have many increment pending on a global variable and the associated performance, it is be shown as soon as the required Twisted concepts have been presented.

Faster: data received does not sit in a buffer while a thread is paused

In an OS, once the data is received by the network module of a kernel and made available to the application via a file descriptor, this data might actually sit there until the thread which takes care of this file descriptor gets a chance to run again. Event driven frameworks can alleviate this problem: the next section introduces the reactor and the Protocol, which are a pre-requisites for understanding how Twisted eliminates this delay.

XXX e xpath to find urls or page titles in a HTML document.

And here is the script which brings all this together (and includes a design problem):

from lxml.html import parse
from urllib2 import urlopen

for planet in ["",

    # first Xpath pattern matches articles links, second pattern: html titles
    article = parse(urlopen(planet )).xpath('//h3/a/@href'    )[0]
    title   = parse(urlopen(article)).xpath('/html/head/title')[0].text

    print "first article on %s : \n%s\n%s\n\n" % (planet, article, title )

When there are n element in the blog list, there will be 2n page downloaded, one after the other, and this will take 2n * time to download a page. When the time taken by an algorithm the algo directly proportional to the number of inputs, this is called a linear complexity and this will rightful