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Counters in python

Counters serve many purposes in software development. It is sometimes handy to use a incrementor function which returns the new value every time it is called, like calling count() instead of manipulating directly a variable by using a binding statement such as``count += 1``. It has its uses especially in Python where binding a variable does not return the bound value, as in the C langage.

Update: itertools.count() is in the standard library

There is a peculiar example in the official Python documentation on lambda. The make_incrementor function is misleadingly named since nothing is incremented: the created callable merely returns the addition of two integers.

>>> def make_incrementor(start):
...     return lambda jump: jump + start
>>> f = make_incrementor(42)
>>> f(0)
>>> f(1)

An incrementor would commonly be called without argument and, in this example, return 43 the first time it was called and 44 the second time, etc. With an incrementor, same cause lead to different effects.

In the example, start is enclosed in the created callable f but it can not be modified. The following function tries to increment start. But an unbound exception concerning start is raised when calling the incrementor:

>>> def make_incrementor(start):
...     def f(jump=1):
...         start+=jump
...         return start
...     return f
>>> f = make_incrementor(42)
>>> f()
Traceback (most recent call last):
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'start' referenced before assignment

This variable can’t be written in this scope, have a look at four correct implementations below.

the object oriented way

The counter enclosed in the incrementor instance is an attribute initialised by the constructor at the instanciation step. When the instance is called, the attribute is incremented by one, and the value returned:

>>> class make_incrementor(object):
...     def __init__(self, start):
...         self.count=start
...     def __call__(self, jump=1):
...         self.count += jump
...         return self.count
>>> f = make_incrementor(42)
>>> f(), f(), f(10)
(43, 44, 54)

The object oriented version is a bit heavy but is the most explicit: the three steps of class definition, object instanciation and object manipulation are clearly separated.

with a function and a function attribute

A function can be used, it is a function which returns another function, but in the end, it is the same as a class instantiating an object. In Python, functions are also object and as such, can have attributes too:

>>> def make_incrementor(start):
...     def f(jump=1):
...         f.count+=jump
...         return f.count
...     f.count=start
...     return f
>>> f = make_incrementor(42)
>>> f(), f(), f(10)
(43, 44, 54)

It is a bit less clear here, what is executed and when. The rule is simple, the body of function is parsed but not evaluated until the function is called, only the function is defined, and its default value evaluated...

the trick of the argument default value

Here we make the closest attempt to build a closure, the counter is initialised with the default value when the function is defined, and there is no reference to the counter outside the function.

>>> def make_incrementor(start):
...     def f(jump=1, count=[start]):
...         count[0] += jump
...         return count[0]
...     return f
>>> f = make_incrementor(42)
>>> f(), f(), f(10)
(43, 44, 54)

count is a reference to a list whose first element is the real counter integer. In Python, you can’t manipulate reference to integer, so the trick is to pass them enclosed in a list which are passed by reference. If count is a pointer on an integer, in C, the pointer and the value would be written count and *count, in Python, you get a similar result by defining count as list of one integer element, and writing count and count[0].

The list or dictionnary default arguments in a function signature are only evaluated once at the declaration time. Whenever the function is called later on, the count list is not reset to [start], whic make it possible to store data between calls, as if count was a static variable.

using yield

The following function uses yield. Yielding, for a function, is the act of voluntarily suspending itself. Functions using yield return a generator which have the next() and send() methods.

>>> def make_incrementor(start, jump=1):
...     count = start
...     while True:
...         count += jump
...         jump = (yield count) or 1
>>> f = make_incrementor(42)
>>>,, f.send(10)
(43, 44, 54)

As generators are functions which can be resumed, they keep their state: they can keep track of a counter.

Which counter implementation do you prefer?

10 May 2009