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Sorting dependenciesΒΆ

This article is on different ways to solve a set of dependencies. That is, given a set of dependencies between nodes (think of projects or software packages): a needs b, a needs c, c needs b, we want an sorted list of nodes where each nodes occurs *after* its dependencies. In this simple example, the sorted list is b, c a. b is first, because b has no dependencies, c is next because it only requires b which is already in the list, and a is last since it needs all the rest.

Several algorithms will be presented to build this list:

  • A naive method which is simple to read and understand: a function test if list satisfies the dependencies, and this function is applied to all possible permutation of the node list. But is computationaly too hard to be useful: it takes much too long to solve even simple sets of dependencies:

    A naive, CPU hungry solution

  • Finding the sorted list is actually a known problem and the solutions are called topological sort. A topological sort implementation returns quickly only one of the possible solution. In Python, there is one implementation in the package topsort, derived from a mail in the Python mailing list written by Tim Peters and also, another version in the python-graph package.

    Topsort in available packages

    All languages have their advantages: for a recursive algorithm dealing and the manipulation of lists, Erlang is particularly adapted. Actually, the topsort algorithm is part of Erlang standard library, as examplified in the previous article.

  • Yet another way to solve this problem is to consider the graph of the candidates, that is given the first part of the sorted list of nodes, consider as the children of the last node of the list: all the nodes which are not yet in the list and whose dependencies are in the list. Then, it is just a matter of traversing the graph in depth first or breadth first to find the list of all possible solutions.

    Graph traversal

    In depth search first, it is possible to build a generator (a recursive generator) of the solutions: the solution are not computed in a long batch, accumulated and returned as a long list, the solutions are available as soon as they are found. The processing of the solution alternates with the search for the next solution. For instance, a solution can be handed to a client which draws the solution, while the server continues the exhaustion of the solutions.

    It is actually possible to do a breadth first search traversal in pure SQL using the recent standard with recurse queries available in PostgreSQL 8.4. Performance-wise, the SQL query is one hundred time faster that the traversal in pure CPython. The SQL query (which find all solutions) is actually on par with the topological sort (which finds only one).