Wordish documentation ===================== *Wordish can test wordy shell documentation*. For an administrator or a developer, many operations are carried out via a command line interface, also known as a *shell*. The list of examples is endless and includes for example: - source version control, software packaging or deployment, - disk partitioning, raid setup or volume snapshots, - network and firewall setup, remote administration or load balancing tunings. *Wordish* is a script which executes a shell session parsed from a documentation in the restructured text format, then tests and builds a report of the execution. The documentation should contain the commands and the expected outputs, *Wordish* takes care of comparing the expected results with the actual output of the execution of the command to make sure the documentation is correct. Reader's guide -------------- - Administrators will find the few rules and installation procedure in the page :ref:`write`. The page :ref:`roadmap` shows the direction of the project. - Anyone curious of how *Wordish* is designed may be interested in the :ref:`interfaces`, - For the brave Python developper impatient to propose a feature patch, a bug report and a fix, the page describing the :ref:`methods` will hopefully help him get started. .. The author of these lines must say that he found there are many .. ways to do *testing* and *packaging* and he would be grateful for .. any reader's advices on the existential questions listed :ref:`here .. ` and :ref:`here ` Project ressources ------------------ Wordish uses github_ for source control, documentation_ and bugs_. Deployment is done via the `Python package index`_. .. _github: http://github.com/jdb/wordish/ .. _documentation: http://jdb.github.com/wordish/ .. _bugs: http://github.com/jdb/wordish/issues .. _`Python package index`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/wordish .. Indices and tables .. ================== .. * :ref:`genindex` .. * :ref:`modindex` .. * :ref:`search`