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Twisted’s network concurrency model as compared with sockets and threads

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Concurrent network programming with Twisted

What is Twisted?

Twisted is a set of Python modules, classes and functions integrated to build efficiently network client or server applications. Twisted base classes wrap the UDP, TCP and SSL transports and child classes offer well tested, application protocol implementations which can weave file tranfer, email, chat, enterprise messaging, name services, etc, with the same mental model.

Twisted is written in Python and is fast partly because the data is processed as soon as it is available no matter how many connections are open. This event-driven networking engine enables developers to produce a stable and performant mail transfer agent or domain name server with less than fifty lines of code.

Also, Twisted has methods for implementing features which are often required by sophisticated software projects. For instance, Twisted can map a tree of ressources behind URLs, can authentify users against flexible backends, or can safely distribute objects on a network enabling remote procedure calls and load balancing, etc (Twisted has many modules available).

This article introduces the problem of network concurrency, and compares Twisted’s model to the sequential model through the example of web pages download. This article points to other articles along the lines which they present with more depth the concepts only mentioned here. They are listed here for memo:

Retrieving the title of a list of blog articles

Network concurrency is a key concept particularly for performance: take a simple problem such as retrieving, for each blog of a list of blogs, the title of the web page of the first article of the blog. This first problem is actually the core job of a Web scraper or a crawler. This means:

for each blog url
    retrieve the list of articles
    parses the first article url in the list
    retrieve the web page of the first article
    display the title

Let’s provide a quick and naive solution to this problem. Here are three handy functions :

  • urlopen(url) sends an HTTP GET request to the url and returns the body of the HTTP response as an open file,
  • parse(HTML string) takes an HTML string as an input and returns a tree structure of HTML nodes,
  • htmltree.xpath(pattern) returns a list of nodes matching the pattern. The text content of a HTML node is accessed via the member attribute .text. We will use xpath to find urls or page titles in a HTML document.

And here is the script which brings all this together (and includes a design problem):

from lxml.html import parse
from urllib2 import urlopen

for planet in ["",

    # first Xpath pattern matches articles links, second pattern: html titles
    article = parse(urlopen(planet )).xpath('//h3/a/@href'    )[0]
    title   = parse(urlopen(article)).xpath('/html/head/title')[0].text

    print "first article on %s : \n%s\n%s\n\n" % (planet, article, title )

Concurrency vs sequential processing

When there are n element in the blog list, there will be 2n page downloaded, one after the other, and this will take 2n * time to download a page. When the time taken by an algorithm is directly proportional to the number of inputs, this is called a linear complexity and this will rightfully raise the eyebrow of any developer concerned with performance and scalability.

As each download is completely independent from each other, it is obvious that these downloads should be executed in parallel, or, concurrently, and this is the raison d’être of the Twisted Python framework. Processes and threads are well-known primitives for programming concurrently but Twisted does without (not even behind your back), because it is not adapted for scalable network programming. This frees the developer from using locks, recursive locks, or mutexes. The solution presented at the end of the article does not have more lines of code, does not take much longer for n downloads than it takes for one download (ie constant complexity) and is actually three times faster.

A frequently heard reaction at this point is “Python is a slow language to start with, a fast language is the answer to performance”. Notwithstanding the many existing techniques to make Python code compile and run on multiple processors, the speed of the language is not the point. In many case, even a C compiler can not fix a bad design. For example, take the download of an install CD, there is an insignificant gain in performance in a download client written in C over an implementation in Python, because 1. both implementations are very likely to end up leaving the network and disk stuff to the kernel and most importantly because 2. this job is inherently bound by the network bandwidth, not by CPU computations, where C shines. Both in C and in Python, in the context of multiple downloads, performance depends on concurrent connections.

This example is obvious but most network libraries blocks when doing a network request. This is the core idea: Twisted functions which make a network call do not block the application while the response is not yet available. Network functions are split: first the request is sent, then the callback code receives and manipulates the received data. In the period of time between the return of the requesting function and the execution of the callback, the reactor, (Twisted’s event loop) can run other processing. This is the basic idea which makes asynchronous code faster than blocking code.

A concurrent solution

Here is a concurrent solution to the blog problem. It is three times faster than the sequential approach:

from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
from twisted.web.client import getPage
from lxml.html import fromstring

planets = ["",

def first_title(url):

    dig = lambda html,pattern: fromstring(html).xpath(pattern)[0]
    # takes a html page and a xpath pattern, returns the first matching node

    article = dig( (yield getPage(url)),     '//h3/a/@href')
    title   = dig( (yield getPage(article)), '/html/head/title').text

    print "first article on %s : \n%s\n%s\n\n" % (url, article, title)

for p in planets:
# Use Ctrl-C to terminate the script

The Twisted equivalent of urlopen() is called getPage(). It is asynchronous and returns a deferred. The low level steps composing getPage() are asynchronous as well: even the DNS request turning the url argument into an IP address will not block the application and let other processing occurs.

The page The yield keyword simplifies Twisted code explains the Python yield keyword and decorator syntax in the context of Twisted. The page The Reactor and the Protocols gives a precise overview of how Twisted works at the operating system system.

Want to learn more? The project documentation presents many code examples and reference articles. Would you use the Twisted framework for your core business development? Hmm, difficult question: maybe you can check at the development methods to get the beginning of an answer.

15 May 2010